Dhol Players – Midlands

Dhol Palyers for hire : Dholki Drummers

Whether it’s an Asian Wedding, Black Tie event, Club night or Entrance, you get to choose how our Dhol drummers dress, these Dhol drummers will dress accordingly. Whether it’s a formal or more traditional event they will look and sound the part.
They will set the scene with their colourful traditional or black tie outfits together with some lively drumming!
These Dhol players can escort you into your wedding venue or just to get your guests up on the dance floor.
The Bride and Groom Grand Entrance – The Dhol drummers wedding service is ideal to provide a grand entrance for the bride and bridegroom, escorting the happy couple into the ceremony hall or reception with an exhilarating performance with the beating drum powerfully announcing the arrival of the bride and groom.
The Dhol drum is associated with Pakistani and Indian culture and is now well known throughout the world.
You can book a solo Dhol drummer although 2 drummers are most popular for smaller functions, for larger events we can offer a team of up to 10 Dhol drummers for maximum impact.

Price From £POA
Area: Nationwide